Arachnoid Mask

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A tragedy has fallen upon Freaky Findz.

We were able to get our hands on some of the the teleportation pods seen in the movie "The Fly"! Of course,
we didn't think these things actually worked, so we decided to test out one of our cameras and convinced one
of our employees to get in a pod for a photo shoot. Someone then turned on the pods for the cool lights and
smoke. But when the pod turned on, our employee was teleported to anther pod! When that pod door opened,
out came a horrible monstrosity we call Arachnoid.

Our onsite Chromosome Expert determined that a spider was in the pod with our employee.  Now, our
employee is still extremely functional even in her arachnoid state, so sculptor Erich Lubatti make a mask of this
incredible half-human, half-spider. It's now in production to share with all of you!

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A tragedy has fallen upon Freaky Findz.

We were able to get our hands on some of the the teleportation pods seen in the movie "The Fly"! Of course,
we didn't think these things actually worked, so we decided to test out one of our cameras and convinced one
of our employees to get in a pod for a photo shoot. Someone then turned on the pods for the cool lights and
smoke. But when the pod turned on, our employee was teleported to anther pod! When that pod door opened,
out came a horrible monstrosity we call Arachnoid.

Our onsite Chromosome Expert determined that a spider was in the pod with our employee.  Now, our
employee is still extremely functional even in her arachnoid state, so sculptor Erich Lubatti make a mask of this
incredible half-human, half-spider. It's now in production to share with all of you!

Item #: